Monday, February 19, 2007

Safe Blogging with ePALS SchoolBlog

ePALS SchoolBlog was created to allow students to blog freely in a protected environment.

What does ePals claim to offer you and your students?

Blogs are one of the best in-school collaborative technologies. In answering our clients' needs, a major concern with integrating new technology in the classroom is security and protecting students.

ePALS SchoolBlog has been specifically designed for the educational community, with built-in safeguards and the ability to control permissions and settings according to who can post, participate and access the blogs.

ePALS SchoolBlog helps protect privacy online:
  • Choose to block personal information and photos from being exposed.
  • Limit accessibility to only classmates and parents.
  • Have complete control over who can participate, post and access content.

Teachers and administrators want to know...How safe is safe?

ePALS address these concerns on their website:

Safe Sites, Appropriate Content

A major concern with integrating new and exciting technology into the education space is security and protecting students. ePALS SchoolBlogTM has been specifically designed for the educational community, with built-in safeguards and the ability to control permissions and settings according to your school or district Internet Acceptable Use Policy.

Let Students Blog Freely in a Protected Environment

ePALS SchoolBlogTM helps protect privacy online: choose to block personal information and photos from being exposed, or limit accessibility to only classmates and parents. Create a safe classroom blog with complete control over who can access content.

More Safety Features

  • Users must agree to an "Acceptable Use Policy"
  • Personal information is protected
  • Password-protected areas to ensure only people you want can access your content
  • Our Commitment to Safety

    ePALS has been leading the way for safe "walled garden" educational technology for over nine years. ePALS is internationally recognized as the leading provider of school-safe email and collaborative technology. ePALS supports over 2 million K-12 users and has been selected by several of the largest school districts in locations throughout the world.


    What's the catch???

    Here is the does cost money to set up a classroom blog with ePALS SchoolBlog....but what are you getting for your money?

    Students, teachers, staff and parents can all benefit from the flexibility and power of ePALS SchoolBlogTM. Designed to allow for many different educational applications, ePALS SchoolBlogTM lowers the technology barrier with its simplicity and ease of use. Whether being used to power a school or district website or integrated within an existing website, ePALS SchoolBlogTM provides a strong web presence for schools and classrooms, and enables students, teachers and parents to stay informed through automatic content email updates.

    What else?

    Benefits of ePALS SchoolBlog include:

    Improve Student Literacy:

    • Increase student writing as the interactive publishing is viewed as an enjoyable activity.
    • Encourage students to explore, express, criticize, collaborate and share.
    • Allow wider participation as reluctant learners often open up online.
    • Use as a base for collaborative activities.
    • Post observations about science experiments and projects.
    • Monitor and review progress of student participation and achievement.
    • Broaden the use of tools and techniques to gather, analyze and interpret data.

    Anywhere, Anytime Learning:

    • Enable learning and assistance outside of school hours.
    • Maintain communication with absent students.
    • Allow online submission and review of student work.
    • Manage, present and store information easily.
    • Post homework assignments and classroom activities.
    • Schedule classroom events and field trips.

    Involve Parents:

    • Offer insight into classroom activities.
    • Notify parents of their child's academic performance.
    • Schedule PTA meetings and open houses.
    • Exhibit student work and presentations.
    • Showcase awards and accomplishments with photos, videos and podcasts.

    Provide Students with a Real Audience:

    • Students are motivated by a real, potentially large audience.
    • Increase participation with peer-editing and easy collaboration in group projects.
    • Encourage multicultural understanding through reading and writing using authentic interactions.
    • Choose to receive feedback from peers and experts via email.
    • Display your students' work to teachers and students in 191 countries through the ePALS Global Network.

    Boost Professional Development:

    • Provide teachers with their own knowledge-sharing platform.
    • Exchange instructional tips and course-related resources with other educators.

    Provide Resources:

    • Post classroom hours, closures and school events.
    • Provide permission slips and parental consent forms online.
    • Searchable archives allow past postings to be easily accessed


    Click Here to go to ePALS SchoolBlog Home

    Click Here to see a sample of ePALS SchoolBlog

    Click Here to start your ePALS SchoolBlog


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